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St. Ambrose Parish Community

Two Churches, One School

Uniting Faith & Strengthening Families

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St. Ambrose Catholic Parish Mission

The Parish Community of St. Ambrose and St. Michael Catholic Churches strive to live by God’s word. By sharing our God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure, we grow in our faith and in our love of God and one another. It is in Jesus Christ that we are one family in our homes and broader community through the sacraments, outreach, faith formation for all ages, and our Sister Parish, San Juan Baptista in Guatemala.

School Mission Statement

St. Ambrose Catholic School provides students with excellence in education both academically and spiritually, in order to prepare them to excel in service to family, community, and Christ our Lord.

Join us for Sunday Afternoon Prayer

during the Season of Lent on Sundays at 4 p.m.

Mass Times

Whether you are a newcomer, a visitor, or a long-time parishioner, we warmly welcome you to join us for Mass. Feel free to attend any of our Masses and be sure to greet us when you do!

WIFI Sound Assist PDF

Stations of the Cross

Mondays at St. Ambrose following 5:30pm Mass and praying of the Rosary

Wednesdays at St. Michael at 7pm

Send Us Your Prayer Requests

This Week Mass Schedule

Monday | 5:30pm followed by praying of the Rosary & Stations of the Cross

Tuesday | 8:15am

Wednesday | 8:15am

Thursday | 8:15am

Friday | 8:15am

Weekend Masses

Saturday | 4:30pm

Sunday | 8:00am, 10:30am


Saturday | 3:30pm

Other | By Appointment

Monthly Holy Hour

Our monthly Holy Hour with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place following the 8:15 a.m. Mass on the third Thursday of each month, concluding with Benediction an hour later. All are welcome to spend some time in prayer before the Lord present in the Eucharist.

Upcoming Events

Bible Study

Saturdays in the Pastoral Center

Men’s 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.

Women’s at 9:30 a.m.

Learn More

Hospitality Weekend

Stop by the Community Center after every Mass on the second weekend of each month as we gather together for fellowship & snacks

Bible Study

Saturdays in the Pastoral Center

Men’s 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.

Women’s at 9:30 a.m.

Learn More

Hospitality Weekend

Stop by the Community Center after every Mass on the second weekend of each month as we gather together for fellowship & snacks

Visit our Events & Fundraisers Page to Everything We Have Going On!
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