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Early Childhood

PreK and Kindergarten



St. Ambrose Catholic School aims to foster the development of each child and provides an educational foundation allowing for numerous opportunities for growth as an individual. Preschool children will learn by interacting with their peers, interacting with adults, and from the lessons and activities the teachers present. 

Children enrolled in the full day program have opportunities to participate in special subject areas such as Physical Education, Fine Arts, Music, and typing. Full day students also have rest time each afternoon. St. Ambrose preschool students attend school alongside their elementary school peers and are immediately welcomed into the St. Ambrose Catholic School family.

Our Preschool is composed of a 3 year old class and a 4 year old class. You may choose either 3 or 5 days a week and choose between half days or full days. Our preschool program is open to any child, but is focused towards preparing children to enter the Kindergarten program at St. Ambrose Catholic School. 

The primary goals of our preschool program include:

-Opportunities for spiritual growth with age-appropriate information

-Providing an opportunity for structured socialization with children of the same age

-Introduction to school structure, to develop familiarity of the school process, and to develop good habits as a young student

-Gross and fine motor skill development

-Effective communication between peers and between student and adults

-Preparation for Kindergarten

The following is a list of skills that we hope all of our students have mastered by the end of preschool;

  • Putting on their coats and or jackets, hats, mittens, gloves, socks, shoes (on the right feet)
  • Zipping their coats
  • Using restroom independently
  • Washing hands
  • Holding pencils, markers, crayons, and scissors correctly
  • Cutting / using scissors
  • Manners
  • Properly make the Sign of Cross
  • Taking turns
  • Sharing
  • Sneezing into arms
  • Blowing their nose
  • Self-control
  • Cleaning up after themselves
  • Recognizing their name
  • Communication skills with adults & peers (listening, taking turns speaking, etc.)
  • Interpersonal skills to develop positive relationships with peers and adults
  • Manners


Our Kindergarten program is designed to provide the educational foundation necessary to become a successful student at St. Ambrose Catholic School. Kindergarten is the first official formative year of school and our goal is to provide the building blocks for future learning. Kindergarten provides your child with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and study skills that they will use during their years at St. Ambrose and beyond. The development of self-esteem is also a very important emphasis in our Kindergarten.   

The primary goals of Kindergarten are:

  • Telling time to the hour and half hour on an analog clock
  • Using our manners - saying please and thank you, letting someone go before you, helping to pick up even if you did not make the mess
  • Being kind and respectful
  • Money - Coins and their value
  • Having eye contact with those you are talking to.
  • Not interrupting when someone is talking
  • Patience
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