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The purpose of the Season of Stewardship is to recognize how God has blessed us and to express our gratitude through service to the Parish and community. There are numerous opportunities already in place to serve at St. Ambrose. Check them out here:

Altar Servers | We have many young Catholics who serve at Mass. It is always a joy to see them participating in the Mass and sharing the faith.

Bereavement Committee & Funeral Lunches | The committee organizes funeral luncheons for families and friends who are buried from St. Ambrose or St. Michael and assists with the annual All Souls' Day Memorial Mass.

Bible Study | Participants in Bible Study obtain a richer understanding of the readings and apply them to their lives.

Building & Grounds | The St. Ambrose building, and grounds continue to look great. This is a true example of divide and conquer.

Collection Counters | St. Ambrose relies on parishioners who are willing to donate their time and talent to count the weekly offerings received.

Cursillo | St. Ambrose Cursillistas welcome the opportunity to sponsor attendees at a Quincy Cursillo held throughout the year. Cursillo is truly "a short course in Christianity".

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | We have many mandated Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. St. Ambrose provides Communion Services at multiple locations as well as the homebound.

Empty Nesters | This newly formed group offers a time for adults to gather on a regular basis to share life's moments and to ask God to guide us as we continue his work on earth.

Facebook Live Stream/IT | A group of volunteers to run the Mass live stream to Facebook cameras at 4:30 Saturday Mass and other Information Technology.

Finance Council | Assists in development, review, and approval of Parish & School budgets.

Grief Support | Grief support is provided under the direction of a retired grief and trauma counselor. Grief support is for anyone grieving the loss of a spouse, parent, child, grandchild, sibling, friend, or pet.

Knights of Columbus 7804 | The KC of Godfrey generously contribute funds to the school and parish projects.

Lectors | The Ministry of Lector is essential in the proper celebration of the Mass and other liturgies. This ministry is rooted in personal prayer and reflection on the Word of God so that it is truly PROCLAIMED from the heart and not simply READ.

Library | St. Ambrose Church has a library collection of religious books and CDs available in the church office for anyone to sign out.

Missions International | The St. Ambrose Missions Ministry involves the parish's relationship with our sister parish, San Juan Bautista in Jutiapa, Guatemala. St. Ambrose is proud to know they are supporting it financially and prayerfully.

Music Ministers & Choir | At St. Ambrose music is incorporated into all Masses and liturgical celebrations, "those who sing pray twice" - St Augustine.

Monthly Adoration Holy Hour | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist is held on the third Thursday of the month.

Ongoing Faith Formation | St. Ambrose utilizes multimedia presentations for Adult Faith Formation. We also have a formalized program on Children's Liturgy of the Word for Sunday Masses.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) | St. Ambrose Parish strives to provide year-round Inquiry and Catechumenate phases in the process of Christian Initiation.

Pastoral Council | The St. Ambrose Parish Pastoral Council is called by the Pastor and Parish to serve as a consulting and advisory board.

Parish School of Religion (PSR) | St Ambrose PSR program provides religious education for students who do not attend St. Ambrose School.

Prayer Chain | St. Ambrose has a small group of prayer warriors who pray for those requesting prayers.

Right to Life | St. Ambrose is active in promoting right to life and assist in on-going Right-to-Life initiatives.

Sacristan, Church Decoration and Cleaning, Church Linen Launderers | St. Ambrose is blessed to have help overseeing the smooth functioning of the liturgy by making sure there are candles, wine, hosts, altar linens, worship aids, bulletins, children's coloring pages, envelopes, etc. available. As well as a group volunteers to prepare the Church for the weekend liturgies.

St. Ambrose School Board | St. Ambrose School Board is an advisory body to the Pastor focusing on matters pertaining to the educational programs and facilities of the school.

St. Ambrose Community Outreach (SACO) | St. Ambrose Community Outreach is a parish sponsored organization dedicated to helping those in need. SACO welcomes other St. Ambrose parishioners who wish to assist in administering assistance to the poor and needy in the Godfrey and Alton area.

St. Ambrose Parent Association (SAPA) | It is the mission of SAPA to support St. Ambrose School through volunteer work, funding efforts, parent education, and sponsoring and coordinating various events within the school community.

St. Ambrose School Volunteers | Volunteers are critical in helping our school children

throughout the year. Volunteers share their talents by helping with lunches, reading, yearbook, IT, fund raising, and coaching, to name just a few.

Ushers/Greeters | Our ushers are ministers of hospitality who assist with welcoming people to St. Ambrose.

Vacation Bible School | Vacation Bible School is a great event usually held in June staffed by volunteers who share the faith with our children.

Women's Group | The purpose of the Women's Group is to serve through fellowship and outreach both within the parish and the surrounding community.

Welcoming Committee | The St. Ambrose Welcome Committee goal is to make sure every parishioner feels welcome and a part of our larger community at St. Ambrose.

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