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Pray for the Sick, For those in our Military, for Caretakers of the Sick, and for all who are struggling. 

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Anointing of the Sick | If you have a friend or loved one sick or in hospital please let the parish know. If someone needs anointing of the sick please contact the Parish Office.

Joan Anzalone

Brianne Barry

Don Beiermann

Ed Blair

Steven Blair, Jr., Navy

Jeff Blumstein

Mary Boyer

Rick Boyer

Scott Brown

Suszanne Brown

Carissa Burke

Sharon Cadel

Peter Clark

Grayson Clasby

Doris Cress

Ann Dooling 

Ursala Dwyer

Michelle Eberlin

Terry Eberlin

Jim Ellebracht

Monica Ellebracht

Mary Ellis

Joyce Evans

Dick Frank

Patti Freeman

Nina Giardina

Walt Gregory

Ruth Guntren

Haley Haar, Air Force

Richard Hawkins

Rich & Pam Hendel

Sharon Howard

Melissa Jones

Ric Jun

Rachel Kirchner

Kraig Kline, Army

Jozie Kraemer

Rachel Kuithe

Sandra Lombardo

Ginny Long

John Manio

James Manns

Noel Merkle

Freda Mullen

Sarah O’Connor

Vern Phillips

Hudson Reinagel

Dr. Janis Robinson

Dr. William Robinson

Erin Roper

Judi Ruder

Brandon Sabolo

Rose Scognamiglio

Orville Schroeder Family

Danny Selby, Air Force

Anthony Serio, Army

Matthew Smith, Air Force Nicholas Smith, Navy

Sarah Stirton

Dana Toomey

Jack Von Ah

Angie Wiener

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