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Join us in embracing discipleship as the way of life.

Everyone should have received a Stewardship Form in the mail. Hard copies are also available in our

Parish Office.

If you prefer to fill out the form online, you can do so by clicking the button below.


We are interested in learning about how you would like to grow in your faith, share your talents, and give to St. Ambrose.
The answers you provide on this form will help us make those connections.

Out of gratitude for the gifts God has given to us, each household is encouraged to prayerfully and intentionally plan a sacrificial portion of their annual income to contribute to the parish. Contributions can be made via check to the Parish Office or online via credit card at the button below.

Online Giving to St. Ambrose

Thank you for participating in our

Season of Stewardship!

Volunteer Opportunities

Dear Parishioners of St. Ambrose and St. MichaeI Churches,

St. Ambrose Parish embarked on a "Season of Stewardship" a few years ago and was derailed by the worldwide Covid 19 pandemic. We have adjusted in many ways to the "new normal" in our lives.

We give thanks to God for the blessings we have received as a parish family, community, nation and world that flowed from the pandemic. We have learned much about our interdependence on others.

Stewardship flows from this recognition of interdependence. We need each other. God has blessed every single person with unique gifts, talents and personalities. These blessings are meant to be shared with others.

A Church cannot survive without the generosity of her members. That's where you and I come in. We express our gratitude to God for our many blessings by sharing those blessings with others. As we learn from the Gospel story of the loaves and fish, when we share what little we have, when we entrust our gifts to Jesus, miracles will happen.

Our parish family is invited to reflect on our blessings and how best to express our gratitude for them over the next several weeks. We will focus on sharing of time, talent and treasure to make St. Ambrose Parish a vibrant and life-giving parish community with two Churches (St. Ambrose and St. Michael) and one Catholic School.

We need each other. God has blessed YOU and me with the expectation that these blessings be shared with others ... in our local community and beyond. When we share, we are not GIVING AWAY our blessings, we are MULTIPLYING them.

There are countless opportunities to share one's time, a priceless commodity, to say the least. There are countless opportunities to share one's unique talents and skills. There are countless opportunities to share of one's financial resources to support the ministry of the Church and School as we build up the Kingdom of God on earth.

Like the five loaves and two fish, you may feel that your gifts are insignificant or unimportant, but Jesus is inviting you to SHARE them, take a risk, trust Him, and see what happens.

When we share our gifts, we are not looking for perfection. We are looking for hearts filled with gratitude, which allows God to bring to perfection what we offer. Allow God to work through you ... that's what stewardship is all about.

May God bless you, your families and our parish family of St. Ambrose.

Fr. Steven Janoski, Pastor

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