As Election Day draws ever closer, I understand the “angst” many of you are feeling regarding choices for elected officials. We have become a tragically divided nation over so many social issues, all of which should unite us: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I encourage you to do your own research on candidates for election. The television, radio and social media posts regarding candidates, in my opinion, only divides our nation more and more. Media bias is evident for every candidate. Focusing on the failures of opposition candidates seems to have replaced (or overshadowed) presenting one’s plan to bring our country together, recognizing the common good, and serving the needs of ALL. As Catholic Christians, voting is a moral responsibility. We inform our consciences with the truth. We choose who our conscience dictates is the better candidate to lead our nation and world in the near future. Here are a few links to help you with your final days of discernment:
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