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School Board


Erin Kochan, Chair

Abby Stephens, Vice Chair

Ashley Lack, Secretary

Members: Justin Lacy, Stephanie Monroe, Paul Braundmeier, Mark Terry, *TWO OPENINGS


Father Steven Janoski, Pastor

Bob Baird, Principal

Deacon Jay Wackerly, Pastoral Council Liaison

Our School Board members work hard to ensure that we are responsive to the values, beliefs and priorities of our beloved school community.

The School Board meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month except June at 6 p.m. in the Community Center unless otherwise noted.

If you would like to address the Board at their monthly meeting, please fill out the form below and submit to the Board President, Erin Kochan, at

Request to Speak at Meeting Form

Petition to Serve on School Board

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